Tips for Preparing Your Home for Springtime Allergies in Bucks County

Allergist Bucks CountySpring is the arbiter of warmer weather and longer days. For many, it's a time of happiness and renewal. However, for allergy sufferers in areas like Bucks County, PA, it also marks the arrival of sniffles, sneezing, and itching. To alleviate these symptoms, Bucks County, PA, allergists recommend readying your home to combat the influx of springtime pollen, dust, and dander. Below are a few simple strategies to reduce asthma and allergy symptoms during the spring bloom.

Keeping Things Clean

Regular Cleaning

In no time at all, dust, dander, and pollen accumulate on surfaces in your home: neglecting regular cleaning can decrease air quality and worsen allergy symptoms. Regularly dusting and vacuuming can significantly improve allergy symptoms. If you have trouble remembering to dust and vacuum, set reminders on your phone or create an allergy-free-me schedule that details when your home is due for its next cleanse.

Seasonal Deep Cleaning

Allergists always recommend greeting the start of spring with a thorough, deep clean. Spring is the season of life and renewal. With a solid clean, you can shed dust, pollen, and any cluttered emotion you've been harboring through the winter. Deep cleans will tackle overlooked areas such as ceiling fans, underneath furniture, and hard-to-reach spaces. Washing bedding, upholstery, and wet-mop hard surfaces is also highly recommended.

Manage Indoor Air Quality

Allergists in Bucks County, PA, recommend using MERV-rated air filters and purifiers in homes. You can contact an allergist or local home goods store to see where you can find the appropriate air filter. MERV-rated filters capture irritants such as dander, dust, and pollen, leading to fewer allergy flare-ups and a more comfortable spring. Free-standing MERV-rated air purifiers can be purchased for individual rooms, or you can place MERV filters in your centralized HVAC system to clean the air circulating throughout your home.

When Allergens are High, Limit Time Outside

Pollen, dust, and dander are tiny particles that can sneak into your home through small spaces and cracks. Allergists in Bucks County advise inspecting your home for any openings to the outdoors. Once a crack or opening is located, you can work to seal off unwanted openings. Typical areas of concern are windows, screens, and gaps around doors. During high pollen counts, keep windows and doors closed to limit exposure. Additionally, shower and change your clothes after being outdoors to remove pollen from your hair and skin, reducing the chance of symptoms.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Allergist in Bucks County

Before the peak of springtime allergy season, make an appointment with a local allergist. To discuss a treatment plan, allergists will conduct thorough testing to pinpoint your primary allergens and create a personalized treatment plan. Allergy medication and immunotherapy shots are tailored to individual needs and will address the most common triggers and allergens.

Visiting your allergist before spring begins is a proactive step you can take to avoid an uncomfortable allergy season. Testing can take several weeks, so seeing an allergist in mid to late winter is recommended for effective defense against springtime allergies.
When spring is looming, it's essential to prepare. Transform your home into an allergy-free sanctuary and collaborate with your allergist to avoid unwanted symptoms. 

For any questions or additional guidance, don't hesitate to contact an allergist in Bucks County, PA, for more information.

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